Beverage sterilization equipment - introduction of ultrafilter and antivirus equipment

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Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Minister Miao Wei said at the press conference of the State Council Information Office on the 25th of last month that "The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will fully implement "Made in China 2025" and promote the construction of five major areas:

1. The construction of a national manufacturing innovation center; preparations will be made for the construction of 2 to 3 national-level technological innovation centers this year, and at the same time, the construction of provincial-level technological innovation centers will also be supported. Shandong Gaoqiang Fastener Co., Ltd. is also responding to the national call and is actively preparing to build a national laboratory.

2. Intelligent manufacturing;

3. Strong industrial base; this year, we will focus on 30 to 50 iconic products and technologies, and solve some basic parts (mainly: bearings, gears, molds, hydraulic parts, pneumatic components, seals, fasteners, etc.), basic The lack of technology, basic raw materials and technical foundation.

4. Green manufacturing;

5. High-end equipment innovation;